Helping Herts Coronation Walk

Walk for children and young people across Hertfordshire

Join us for our walk around Hertfordshire. You or a team can select to walk on one or more of the sections of The Hertfordshire Way.

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The Walking Route

The Hertfordshire Way is a 195-mile circular route along public rights of way entirely within the county of Hertfordshire. The Coronation Walk will start in Bishop's Stortford and passes through a variety of Hertfordshire scenery, mostly in open countryside, but also includes some really attractive and interesting villages. The county town of Hertford and the historic city of St Albans are the only large towns on the route.

The Coronation Walk will take place between 29 April and 13 May (schedule is below) and will be walked in 14 sections over the course of the 2 weeks. Information on The Hertfordshire Way can be found here.

The walk takes place during the King's coronation and will highlight some of Hertfordshire's royal connections along the walk, of which there are many.

We are looking for corporate teams or individuals to walk one or more of the 14 sections of the Hertfordshire Way in line with the walking schedule (see below). The average length of each section is 13 miles (approx. 1/2 marathon).

The walk offers great opportunities for teams to walk and talk to enhance team building. Not forgetting that walking is fantastic for improving personal well-being.